Advise people on their viz, they feel something is off

  • data-vis
  • idea
  • winter
  • Economist don't know how to viz results of their work
  • Viz is how to get your research out there, it doesn't just need to speak for itself
  • People are ready for scatterplots
  • Scientists think they are not able to think visually enough and need help with that
  • Scientists just use screenshots of their analysis process – cool, but should be decluttered
  • Figure 1 problem: Text around the graphics just describing the viz.
  • "Something's wrong." That's what people often come with.
  • Charts are hard to judge if you don't have the context.
  • It's interesting for end users and data owners to judge, not just dataviz expert
  • You either do it yourself or you see enough good examples
  • Teaching depends on needs and profession