- Packaging Python Projects
- How to Package Your Python Code
- Creating a pip installable package
- Understand semantic versioningUnderstand semantic versioning
In semantic versioning, a version is composed of three numbers: Major.Minor.Patch.
For dbt, for instance:
Major: dbt is going to look, feel, and work like this for a long time. You can know with confidence that, if the code in your project works on v1.0.0, it will keep working on every v1.x.y after that.
Minor version releases can still include big new things, but changes to existing interfaces will be behind-the-scenes and backwards-compatible. Simply put, the code in y... - Understand licensingUnderstand licensing
Choose the right open-source licence
Choose a CC license, esp. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 seems to be good and you can also find its markdown
IQAndreas/markdown-licenses: collection of open-source licenses in Markdown format Markdown license badges for GitHub
- Docs
- When using Typer
- How to Effortlessly Publish your Python Package to PyPI Using Poetry
- It also helps with setup via
poetry init