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Software is a tool to help accomplish something for people – many programmers never understood that. Keep your eyes on the delivered value, and don't over-focus on the specifics of the tools. – John Carmack

Learn specifically

  • Learn ChatGPT and AILearn ChatGPT and AI
    How does it work?

    It learns by analysing large amounts of text data using deep learning algorithms and NLP techniques. This allows it to recognise patterns and make accurate predictions about the most likely next word or phrase in a sentence, which helps it generate informative responses to questions and prompts.
    It's like autosuggestion in text messages but on steroids

    Why GPT?
    The name "GPT" stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer" which refers to the architecture...
  • Learn CLILearn CLI
    Why, really?

    Become shell literate: Attempt at trying to persuade you that this whole thing makes sense. Full disclosure: the author of the article is a well-known free software advocate, so he is far from impartial in his article. That said, he is certainly not alone in suggesting it; here is another example from Letters To A New Developer

    UNIX philosophy

    Unix philosophy (by Doug McIlroy, creator of Unix pipes) is to:

    Write programs that do one thing and do it well
  • Learn CSSLearn CSS

    Tutorials from Josh Comeau

  • Learn DockerLearn Docker

    The Missing Semester:

    What is the difference between Docker and a Virtual Machine?

    Docker is based on a more general concept called containers. The main difference between containers and virtual machines is that virtual machines will execute an entire OS stack, including the kernel, even if the kernel is the same as the host machine. Unlike VMs, containers avoid running another instance of the kernel and instead share the kernel with the host. In Linux, this is achi...
  • Learn GitLearn Git

    It is a standardised way of tracking your code and analyses (plus history thereof).
    Mrshu says that it's a good idea to learn Git, because it:

    Helps avoid "versioning hell" (you know, files like essay.doc, essay_v2.doc, essay_final.doc)
    Gives you the ability to "jump in time"
    Helps you make your work "reproducible"
    Makes it a bit more straightforward to work on common (larger) projects with others

    And don't forget that Git != GitHub != GitLab....
  • Learn JekyllLearn Jekyll
    On GitHub Pages

    Comparison of site generators
    Jekyll Documentation
    GitHub Documentation
    List of Jekyll plugins on GitHub Pages
    Another tutorial

  • Learn MacOS and iOSLearn MacOS and iOS

    [[Use launchd to run scripts on Mac]]
    Add spaces to Dock
    Run Python on iOS, together with bash
    Build (not only) Mac & iOS apps using Flutter

  • Learn markdownLearn markdown

    Markdown Guide: free and open-source reference guide for Markdown
    CommonMark: standardised, open-source specification for Markdown
    GitHub Markdown, incl. things like alerts
    MDX: markdown for the component era; blend of MD and JSX


    microsoft/markitdown: Python tool for converting files and office documents to Markdown
    How to reference local files

    Obsidian opens the file if it can, otherwise it opens in default app
    Obsidian, Syntax

    Same fol...
  • Learn NodeLearn Node

    Change your Node version with n (based on this)
    npm install -g n # install n globally
    n 10.16.0 # install particular version
    n lts # install latest version
    n # switch versions

  • Learn PythonLearn Python

    Quora Discussion
    Automate the Boring Stuff with Python or book – a practical programming course for office workers, academics, and administrators who want to improve their productivity
    Learn Python The Hard Way, 3rd Edition.pdf
    81 Python Code Snippets for Everyday Problems
    Jupyter Samples
    Should you choose Python over R?

    Specific topics

    How to Use Generators and yield in Python, together with yield from
    [[Create pip-installable packages]]
    [[Use virtual environments...
  • Learn RLearn R

    First and foremost, consider whether to learn it all


    Shiny Dashboard
    TidyTuesday by R4DS Online Learning Community

    Submissions by Ijeamaka Anyene.

    How to use R with Tableau (and when you should)

    [Connect Tableau to R and Using R scripts in Tableau
    Tableau Community](https://community.tableau.com/thread/236068)


    [R Programming A-Z™: R For D...
  • Learn regular expressionsLearn regular expressions

    Regular Expressions = "regex" or "regexp"
    A quick way of describing a particular pattern of characters in text
    Allows for extremely effective search and replace
    Comes from the ed editor from UNIX but you'll mostly encounter the grep program

    Knowing regular expressions can mean the difference between solving a problem in 3 steps and solving it in 3,000 steps. When you’re a nerd, you forget that the problems you solve with a couple keystrokes can take other people days of te...
  • Learn SQLLearn SQL

    SQL Climber
    SQL Zoo
    Summer of SQL
    Lost at SQL
    Window Functions – intro, questions
    SQL Noir: solve mysteries through SQL


    Keep in mind that relational database is just one of several database paradigms, even though one of the most commonly used.
    Learn why SQL should be the default choice for data transformation logic
    I don't want to learn your garbage query language. I just want my SQL back.
    [[Understand that SQL queries start with FROM]]
  • Learn VimLearn Vim

    Optimise for reading code/text, not writing
    Be programmable by itself (keystrokes are composable commands)
    Avoid the mouse (too slow) or even the arrow keys (too much hand movement)

    In practice this means using different "modes of operation" for different kinds of tasks.

    Vim modes

    NORMAL (<ESC>, sometimes double)

    Default mode the editor starts in; one should spend most of the time here
    Each keypress is equivalent to an editor command

  • Learn YAMLLearn YAML

    YAML Multiline

    Find the right syntax for your YAML multiline strings

    YAML anchors

    Be DRY in YAMLs by using anchors
