- Dataset Search
- Dataset Search is a search engine for data sets. Using a simple keyword search, users can discover data sets hosted in thousands of repositories across the web.
- UK's Office for National Statistics
- UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics and its recognised national statistical institute; responsible for collecting and publishing statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels.
- London Datastore
- The London Datastore is a free and open data-sharing portal where anyone can access data relating to the capital.
- Kaggle
- Explore, analyze, and share quality data.
- Rejustify
- The first AI-enhanced ETL tool; find and merge data from multiple sources, and prepare your data set in few clicks.
- Index of Open Data
- Spreadsheet with various links to open data, curated by Data4Change.
- Portál otevřených dat České republiky
- Open Data Portal and National Catalog of Open Data of the Czech Republic.
- Český statistický úřad
- The CZSO acquires and compiles statistical information on the social, economic, demographic, and environmental development in Czechia and provides and publishes data thereto.
- Český sociálněvědní datový archiv
- We acquire, store and make available social science research data for a long time.
- We provide knowledge on how to search for data and how to work with them, as well as support the reuse of data in research and teaching.
- TA ČR Starfos
- Data on research, development, and innovation conducted with the support from the government budget.
- Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR
- The Agency for Nature and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic is opening its data for you. Explore Czech nature through data with them.
- Geoportál ČÚZK
- Follow this article to make sure it works well in #tableau.
- JMK data
- All the data about the South Moravia Region, perhaps replacing JMK Geoportal and linking their DTM.
- data.Brno
- All the data about the city of Brno you can think of.
- CoolRegion
- Cool data for cool environment and cool South Moravia Region.
- Otevřená data PID
- Open data of Prague Integrated Transport with a few more details in this Github repository.
- Monitora
- Media intelligence – tracking and analysis of keywords in press and on social media