#dashboard #data #d3
- her websites: https://www.visualcinnamon.com/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/nbremer/
- what to learn: R, D3.js, JS, Adobe CC, Illustrator, SVG
- what to read: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Functional-Art-introduction-information-visualization-ebook/dp/B0091SXDOM
- Sankey Diagram Tutorial
- when do vizes:
- have a goal, ideally a full question what it should answer
- broaden your mind for different types of vizes
- use annotations
- don't use headers xx vs. yy, but insights
- use colours to convey information
- having touchpoints with "clients"
start a blog
- Mike Bostock: https://bost.ocks.org/mike/, https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock
- https://bl.ocks.org/
- codepen.io
- presentations in HTML: https://revealjs.com/#/
- ggplot2
- Pintrest (of Nadieh Berner, girl from TUG)
Created: 2018-04-13T12:49:52+02:00
Updated: 2018-04-13T12:55:07+02:00